Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Getting older

Well, tomorrow is the day. I will turn thirty-five. Still not too sure how I feel about that. I want to make so many changes in my life, the first being to not be so lazy that I don't make changes. I've got five amzing kids and a great husband and yet I'm not happy. What's wrong with me?
My father-in-law tells me it's normal, while my own mother tells to stop bitching and accept my lot in life (personally I think that she accepted her lot and now she's not happy. Misery loves company after all).
On the other hand, I am making changes. As soon as my new credit card shows ( there was a screw up with my replacement card and it never showed in the mail. My other is expired and I can't use it) I will be opening my Etsy shop. Going to be selling my handbags. Yippee!!! God, I hope it works out!

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